1. General breeding determination SkD e.V.
The breeding determination is largely subject to the FCI standard for the Shetland Sheepdog and the AKC standard for the colourheaded white Shetland Sheepdog. This breeding regulation (ZO) takes precedence over the ZO of the umbrella organisation to which we are affiliated. In addition, the ZO of the umbrella organisation applies. 1. All shelties that are approved for breeding here with us must be labelled (with chip or tattooed), as well as have a valid pedigree and kept according to the Animal Protection Act. Puppies born in our association must always be labelled by chip. 2. Any kind of dog trade is rejected. Home rearing is welcomed. Shelties living in the kennel are NOT allowed for breeding. 2. Breeding requirement 1. Before a dog is used for breeding for the first time, it must be written suitable for breeding by a judge or breeding attendant (in exceptional cases by the veterinarian). This can also happen with an exhibition of a recognised registered association. The breeding authorisation must be noted in the pedigree. Both parents must be purebred and have a valid pedigree (peedigree) until at least the 3rd. Prove generation. 2. It may only be bred with healthy and solid dogs. Freewheeling and human affection are the minimum requirement. Anyone who owns more than 3 bitches and breeds them with you must submit a valid breeding permit according to § 11b of the Animal Welfare Act. 3. Males and bitches must be examined for eye diseases (CEA, PRA, cat.). Dogs suffering from medium and severe CEA and/or PRA must not be bred. It would be desirable to mate a slightly infested dog with a free partner. This also applies to all studs outside our association. 4. Males and females can be examined for hip joint dysplasia = HD. May be paired: HD-A (free) with HD-A. HD-A with HD-B (suspected). HD-C (light) and HD-A. HD-B with HD-B should only be paired if the 2nd and 3rd respectively Generation is not burdened with HD. Medium (HD-D) and heavy HD must not be bred. The HD examination may only take place after the completion of the 12 months, it would be better only at 15 months. This also applies to all studs outside our association. 5. It is recommended to have breeding animals examined for MDR1. 6. New breeders should have at least two breeder seminars within 2 years. 3. Breeding regulations 1. Males may be written suitable for breeding from 12 months, bitches from 16 months. Bitches may not be taken for the first time at the earliest at the age of 16 months. 2. Before the dogs are written suitable for breeding, they must be shown at least twice at an exhibition. The minimum age is 9 months (special regulations after consultation with the board). 3. Breeding animals born after 01.03.1998 must be labelled by chip or tattoo. 4. The bitch must suspend once after each litter. Exceptions are: a litter with up to 2 puppies. 5. In the case of inbreed mating, a written authorisation must be obtained from the board with reasons. Incest mating is not allowed (mother with son). 6. There must be no mating between blue merle x blue merle, and zobel merle x blue merle or x zobel merle. It may NOT be bred with a dog from such mating. Recognised colours are: zobel in all shades, tricolour, blue merle, black/white, bi-blue and colourheaded white. 7. The evaluation of the HD must be submitted to our evaluation centre Dr. Philippi Jägersburg. For this purpose, an HD evaluation form must be requested from the office of the SkD e.V. The sheet will not be handed over until the money for the evaluation has been received by the treasurer. 8. The breeding age for males is unlimited. Bitches are allowed to carry a maximum of 6 litters. 9. If the dog has been occupied, this is immediately the 1st. Chairman to report (reporting obligation !). 4. Kennel name 1. Three proposals will be submitted. The name, which has not yet been assigned, is protected by SkD e.V., as well as by the umbrella organisation. 2. The kennel name is applied for directly from SkD e.V. The first litter of a kennel begins with the letter A. Each further litter must fall in the order of the alphabet. Or it is optionally entered according to the chip number, whereby the names of the puppies are free to choose
5. After the litter / litter acceptance 1. A litter must be reported to the studbook office of the umbrella organisation within 48 hours. Please ask the board for your name and phone number. At the same time, the litter must also be reported to the club chairman within 3 days with information on the parent animals, number of puppies by males/dogs, stillbirths, malformations and other details. These data are entered in the club's internal puppy pedigree book. 2. Wolf claws should be entered in the litter registration form. 3. The litter acceptance can be carried out by a recognised breeding attendant or by the veterinarian. The mother dog must be present at the litter acceptance. All detected defects must be entered in the litter registration form. 4. The breeding attendant or Veterinarian must complete a health certificate for each puppy, this must be handed over to the puppy buyer. 5. Puppies may be released for delivery from the age of 8 weeks at the earliest. At this time, the puppies must be vaccinated 4 times, labelled with a micro chip and dewormed 4 times. Health is assumed. An examination of the puppies for CEA is recommended. 6. Puppies are allowed according to Animal Welfare Act can only be labelled by chip. 7. The pedigrees must be submitted with the litter registration certificate and stud dog certificate directly to the studbook office: Sheltie Klub Deutschland Michael Werner Friedhofstr.11 66894 Bechhofen.
These papers will then be sent to you after receipt of payment. 8. No puppies may be sold knowingly for experimental purposes or to dog dealers. 6. Deck fees 1. The fees are to be paid immediately after the cover act has been carried out. There is no regulation of the fees. For a female dog that has remained empty, a covering act is free again. However, not in the case of self-fault. The cover slip must be completely filled out to the dog owner and must be handed over together with all documents. Stud dog owners have to convince themselves that it is written suitable for breeding before seeing a dog outside the club. The bitch owner must be organised as a breeder in an association.
7. Kennel checks 1. The board is free (itself - or a specific person) to check the keeping of the dogs in the case of new members to ensure that the Animal Welfare Act is complied with. It's about the welfare of the animals. The costs actually incurred by the journey (fuel receipt) must be borne by the breeder. The costs may not exceed 50 euros. Otherwise, this can also be checked by a veterinarian and confirmed in writing. 8. Kennel book 1. It is strongly recommended that every breeder keeps a kennel book in which all processes in breeding are recorded. among other things Purchases and sales of dogs, puppies, stud dogs, breeding animals and their litters, etc. We will be happy to help you with this. Please ask. 9. Violations of the breeding regulations 1. False information on cover certificate and litter registration form, untrue information of the number of puppies, fake litter rearing, unreported litters, manipulated X-rays or CEA examinations, dubious sales methods, non-species-appropriate husbandry of breeding dogs, furthermore, it is not permitted at the same time in several associations with the same kennel to breed violations of the statutes or the breeding regulations and other offences will be punished by warning - total breeding ban - until removal from the association. Valid from now on Bechhofen, 05/01/2017 According to point 3, examinations for patella dislocation and MDR1 were made mandatory on 05/01/17.
Dogs with the genotype MDR1 -/- may only be mated with dogs with the genotype MDR1 +/+. Carrier matings require the approval of the board and are only allowed in exceptional cases. The associated education of the puppy buyers is the responsibility of the breeders. The use of follicle-stimulating or luteinising hormones (FSH or LH) for the purpose of raising the strength is not permitted. The same ban also applies to hormones and drugs with a similar effect. Insemination with fresh or frozen sperm requires the approval of the studbook office. Deck notifications must be made within 2 days of the cover act (notification to the studbook office).
In addition to the DOK, some other selected veterinarians with additional training in ophthalmology are now recognised for puppy eye examinations. Please ask the board for the list of examiners.
The CEA genetic test is recognised for the eye examination of breeding dogs. However, breeding dogs must still be examined for further eye diseases by a SkD-recognised veterinarian. Bitches may not be taken for the first time at the earliest at the age of 16 months. All breeding dogs (Sheltie and Collie) must be examined by a veterinarian for distichiasis before the breeding suitability. The minimum age of the examination is 12 months. Examination sheets are available from the SkD. From now on, examiners with digital X-ray machines will also be recognised for HD evaluation, as far as they are trained in HD evaluations. Alternatively, recordings can still be sent to our evaluater Dr. Philippi for a fee.
letzte Aktualisierung: 29.01.2025