Important and to consider when buying a puppy .............
You would like to see a puppy (Sheltie) or other puppy, then you should pay attention to the following to get a stable and healthy dog or puppy.
Pay attention to what kind of environment the little dog and his siblings grow up in, it is not enough that he will be housed in a puppy spout in the house, which may look nice and only serves the purpose that the puppies have nothing else in their environment "mess".
A puppy wants to romp, play with mother, aunt, grandma and everything that happens ................
If they are already receiving smells of urine and other things when they arrive at the door, they should already be thinking about that.
Also, something can "lie around", but there should always prevail a little order in the house (I always compare this with a baby), at least so that you get a decent impression, and do not want to buy a dog out of pity, but of the conviction is what the breeder is doing there.
The environment is very important for a puppy, because what good does it do them, if the small well-behaved sitting in an outlet, but when they are gone, in the basement to go to sleep, just because otherwise no place in the house / in the Apartment has.
The puppy they do so no favor.
Look into the eyes of the little one for a moment, let it work on you, puppies should be well socialized, that is, they should be integrated in the pack, run around in the house and garden with the other dogs and romp to their heart's content. What good is the puppy if you z.b. has a farm with lots of land and you can not see a dog anywhere on the large property? One should ask oneself the question "where are the dogs?" ,
We do not consider barbed wire to be the ideal fencing for dogs, let alone puppies.
If there is no decent outdoor area, where the dogs can be seen, which e.g. on a homepage, please ask, where are the dogs. As a buyer you have the right to look at everything exactly and you should definitely do it, because if the parent animals are already housed in this way, what do you expect from a puppy then it will not be of any use to them if they are presented to them anyway, that every breeder is being examined for hereditary diseases anyway ............ but the breeding and especially the environment in which your new puppy grows up, should be correct, then you have a lot less problems.
For example, there are breeders who only rant about others, that should interest them and you should just take a closer look at these kennels mentioned there, maybe you will be pleasantly surprised by what you will find and then decide to do it there To buy puppies.
With a bad feeling in my stomach I would never buy a puppy.
In a house where several shelties live and romp, it is normal for some hair to be lying around or flying around, a sign that the animals are allowed to move about the house. Also ask where the animals are at night and where they mostly sleep.
As a puppy buyer you should already know where and how your new family member and the rest of the dogs are housed.
Keeping a kennel is totally unacceptable to a Sheltie because there are no dogs that should live in a kennel, because they are family dogs and not kennel dogs. If you see during your sightseeing tour, however, that the dogs are housed in kennels, please keep away from them, the long-term consequences will eventually be felt,
Remember, a Sheltie is not a Kennel!
A good Sheltie breeder has designed everything around his dogs lovingly and in order, he brings his dogs properly under, pay attention to it!
He will always present all his dogs to them and is proud of his animals, even if a dog is coughing up, or not so well in the coat, often there are also several generations to see.
If you are with a breeder, it can happen also that a dog dissolves, which is also normal, only one should differentiate old again.
A puppy does not have to grow up in a villa, but the whole environment should be right, with plenty of exercise, then you can safely purchase a puppy there and have many years of fun and joy with him.
Here I would like to write down the approximate costs that must be paid before the first puppies can be sold.
Acquisition of a healthy, "perfect" dog. At best, the price is around 900 - 1500 euros.
Multiple issuing of the bitch to get her fit for breeding (depending on the club up to five times). That is about 70 euros per exhibition (including fuel costs). This amount times five = 350 euros
Issue of the breeding suitability certificate approx. 50 Euro
Costs for the veterinary examination of the dog about 100 Euro
Annual costs for care, vaccination, deworming, feed and care about 800 euros. Since a serious breeder will not prove his bitch with the first heat, these costs have to be taken two times, so about 1600 euros.
Cost for the males (stud fee) with about 300 - 700 euros depending on the males.
It's done, the bitch is pregnant. The puppies are coming, but the next issues are coming up:
Examination of the bitch by ultrasound, etc. about 90 euros
For normal food, the dog receives during the period of pregnancy and during lactation more nutritious food and vitamin supplements. Additional costs in this time about 150 euros.
Four days after the birth comes also the breeding warden, depending on the journey about 50 - 80 Euro
After eight days, the first veterinary examination of the puppies takes place. Per puppy about 15 euros
From the second week, the worming of the puppies until the delivery and the bitch is about 15 Euro
Puppy food and vitamins up to the delivery about 20 Euro
Vaccinations and second examination of the puppies about 80 Euro
Litter acceptance by the Breeding Warden, Chiping of the dogs and application of the pedigree about 70 Euro
In the set-up, no costs for unforeseen complications, or even a workload are included.
That is, until the puppies come into the world and can move into their new home, the costs for the breeder between 3620 and 4620 euros.
Maybe you can now understand why a puppy must have its price.
The purchase of a dog should always be well considered. The decision in favor of a dog must always be made on its own, as well as in the interest of the animal, after careful consideration.
Who can not offer a species-appropriate life to a dog, should do without it better. Before purchasing a dog, the following questions should be answered:
Do I have enough time for the animal?
Can I take care of the animal?
Have I considered the cost factor?
Can I offer the animal a kind of life in harmony with its nature?
Is this dog right for me?
Do the other family members like the dog?
Can the dog be optimally cared for during the holidays or during a longer absence?
Does the homeowner agree with this acquisition?
It should be remembered when purchasing that the dog will normally become a permanent member of the family for the next and maybe even the next but one decade. This circumstance must also be taken into account for holiday and relocation planning.
A purebred dog is always bought from a breeder. Breeders associations, animal welfare associations and other institutions are happy to provide information on the respectability and reputation of breeders. The pet owner is well advised to inform himself before purchasing, because in this industry, there are many black sheep.
It is not advisable to buy an animal at unknown traders, on markets or even by shipping. These animals are often ill and the result of criminal over-breeding. By purchasing such an animal, the criminal machinations of some business people are only supported and the breeding crime receives unnecessary boost. The law of supply and demand also determines the market here. The pity for the poor little creatures sitting in tiny cages on the markets should not lead one to buy.
But the pet owner should look at the purchase not only the breeder and the dog, but also the kennel. It should be checked whether the animals have enough spout, the kennels and feeding bowls are clean. Some kennels - and a wall full of framed honorary certificates changes nothing - are nothing more than mere animal production facilities.
Before buying the animal you should inform yourself if the animals are vaccinated and dewormed. The vaccination certificate, which must be handed over to the buyer, provides information. Every serious breeder has his animals vaccinated. If the future dog owner feels too insecure to buy the "right" dog, he should ask a specialist to be present as a consultant on the purchase.
When purchasing a dog should be paid to a few key points: The coat must be clean, the stomach must not be swollen.
It is important that the animal is at least eight weeks old. One should not accept a younger animal, since his physical constitution is often still weak and it still needs his mother.
There is no iron rule for the right choice of a dog child. Some experts advise you to choose the animal that is the most daring and cheeky, others recommend the quiet and silent animals. A puppy who plays around in the area cheerfully and curiously is mostly healthy. But even an animal that sits still and observes everything does not have to be ill, it may just not want to play at the moment.
When buying one should therefore forget all the wise tips and just let the heart speak.
The question "male or female?" Is not easy to answer. Both are pleasant housemates, although one must take into account their biologically different behavior.
A bitch is in heat twice a year. This can eventually lead to unwanted siege conditions on your doorstep as soon as the males of the neighborhood have got wind of the condition of the bitch. A bitch in heat can sometimes go out to look for a dapper lover. But even the male is, once he has interpreted the fragrance brands correctly, no longer hold.
Dogs are not objects, so they are not very suitable for gifts - neither at Christmas nor on other occasions. Even if the dog friend of an acquaintance or family member is given an animal as a "gift", he should feel under no obligation to accept, if he can make this unquestionably sweet gift no species-appropriate life. However, accepting such an animal out of kindness or politeness is no basis for a good coexistence between humans and animals and sooner or later leads to great burdens.
Of course, big dogs need more space and run out than smaller breeds. This circumstance should be considered when purchasing a dog. A Danish mastiff or a Saint Bernard are very bad for a two-room apartment in the middle of the city. But even a Dachshund or a Yorkshire Terrier needs an adequate habitat.
The pet owner should also be aware of his own temperament and habits before purchasing a dog. For long hikes through nature, medium and large dogs are better suited; a city person who only occasionally wants to go green is better advised with a small dog.
Also, the educability is a point of reflection. In a Doberman, other educational measures are required than with a dachshund. Every race has its own characteristics.
Finally, one should also consider the purpose. For the hunting another type of dog is required, as for the employment in the police or protection service.
The care is another criterion: A long-haired dog needs more grooming than a short or stock-haired four-legged friend.
If you adopt a dog to make a friend for life, you should beware of typical fads, because, fashion trends pass, the dogs remain.
Families with children should adopt a puppy that integrates easily with the human pack. Older dogs, which may have had bad experiences with humans, are not so open, because they are often shaped by their previous owners. And this coinage does not always have to be desirable.
The first days in the new home are the worst for the dog child. The strange environment scares him. He longs for his mother and his siblings. The pet owner should be very busy with the animal at this time, but without the newcomer becoming the center of the whole neighborhood. The newborn dog owner should take into account that dog children need a lot of sleep. Not only for the four-legged ball of wool adoption means a major change, but also in the life of his bipeds enter a number of changes.
If the dog wants to call attention to himself in his loneliness by miserable howling, he should not give in to it. Once the animal has figured out the method that is most effective in attracting attention, it will continue to use it with great endurance. Most of the time after a week, the greatest separation pain is over, and the animal gradually gets used to the members of its human family.
In the litter the puppies cuddle close to each other. To compensate for this loss of closeness and warmth, a hot water bottle can be placed under the blanket of his bedchamber. Warm, not hot! And beware - puppies sometimes nibble on everything, even a rubber bottle.
A few old clothes in the puppy basket familiarize the young animal with the smell of his new "pack animals". At the beginning you can also run the radio at night. The background noise can have a calming effect on puppies just like an old alarm clock under the blanket in the night camp. The ticking sometimes even has a drowsy effect on the animal.
From the first day, the pet owner should make sure that the rules of the house purity are observed. If you change these rules to your heart's content, you should not be surprised if the dog does not know it anymore and reacts accordingly.
If you leave a puppy alone, you should offer him a way to pastime - a chewing bone, a ball, toys.
Puppies are simply interested in everything, and their curiosity can be dangerous. Therefore, in the immediate environment of the animal as much as possible should be removed, which could be fatal to him. Electric cables that are always tempting to nibble on, detergent packages that can be so wonderfully bite, and plants that have been treated with insecticides include.
Even though the puppy's milk teeth look rather tiny, the animals can still bite and tweak them very vigorously. The biting little ones are also very sharp, so that much is not crushed but torn. At about six months, the second, so correct teeth of the dog are completely trained. This change is usually easy. Otherwise, the deciduous teeth, which do not fail, must be pulled by the veterinarian.
A dog is never lifted on the front paws and certainly not on the nape of the neck. The animal is raised properly by one hand grasping between the front legs and the other hand under the hindquarters.
letzte Aktualisierung: 29.01.2025